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Robodance 5 for Rovio - Quick Install |
Only Robodance Pro members have access to this software currently. If you are waiting for the free version please watch the mailing for an announcement of when it is available!
IMPORTANT: Robodance 5 is currently a “preview” release. This means you should not use it away from home yet if there is no one there you can contact to stop your Rovio if it is moving uncontrollably or put it back in the charging dock if it gets stuck somewhere! Also, you should wait for a later release if you just want to run the software reliably because it still has several bugs that can cause it to crash.
Thank you for participating in testing an early version of Robodance 5 for Rovio. The software is not stable yet but it is now time to have others test it so it can achieve that stability. Below are the instructions for install the software. They may be too sparse but I am hoping the install wizards are capable enough to make installing the software easy without the need for extensive installation documents. If you have problems, please post them on the technical support forum.
Quick Install Instructions
- Download the installation program via the instructions sent to you by E-mail
- Install it on to the PC at your home or office that is connected to the same router as your Rovio. Make sure you close any open copies of Skype before doing so.
- On your home/office PC, run Roboserver and follow the Wizards that will pop up and help you install the program. Roboserver must be running on that PC to respond to your remote Skype calls and facilitate the session.
- On your remote PC, the one that you will access your Rovio from remotely, run Roboclient and follow the Wizards.
- Report any problems on the technical support forum.
Auto-Mute Feature
Along with the other features listed on the main software page, please pay special attention to Roboclient’s Auto-Mute feature.
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